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Tethered, 2024

Yarn, Ribbon, Rope, Soil, & Pine Needles

Tethered explores the inescapability from the connections us humans create with each other and the natural world around us. Even after death we remain tethered to this world, physically… through the means of our bodies decaying and becoming one with the soil, and spiritually… through the shared memories that exist with those we meet during our lifetimes. The piece uses a variety of tied and braided materials to accentuate the idea of connectedness and intertwinement. It is these connections that define and make up who we are at our core.

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Angel Cruz Cardiel

Angel Cruz Cardiel is a multimedia artist and illustrator primarily focused on digital illustration and concert art. Their work draws inspiration from nature, spirituality, and their identity as a queer, first-generation Mexican American.

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